Here are three happy outings for Spooky, courtesy of Harvey’s loosey-goosey cartoonist extraordinaire, Howie Post. Whenever I forget how comical a drawing can be, I count on Post to remind me. Panel after panel, Spooky is just funny to look at. Check out his sly finger dip into the icing in the last story, Soivice With A Smile (Page 5, Panel 2).
In Bat Pulls a Fast One, the character design for Bat Belfry is simple and great. Again – funny on sight. Not that the script isn’t laughable as well. Only Post would have Spooky checking out the "Big Cheese convention at Lantic City."
These short pleasures are from Spooky No. 26, December 1958. All scans are from my own comic.
In Bat Pulls a Fast One, the character design for Bat Belfry is simple and great. Again – funny on sight. Not that the script isn’t laughable as well. Only Post would have Spooky checking out the "Big Cheese convention at Lantic City."
These short pleasures are from Spooky No. 26, December 1958. All scans are from my own comic.
This ad is from the same issue. I love this complex, pitch-perfect sales pitch for a bicycle tire. Imagine - a full page ad with beautiful illustrations and well written text to sell a tire for a boy’s bicycle. My fellow countrymen, where did we go wrong?