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SUPERMOUSE in "The Magic Mirror!"

It's high time for another Supermouse adventure, this one from Supermouse No. 11, February 1951.

The Magic Mirror boasts a brilliant story that, told a different way, might have been yet another darkly epic sci-fi / fantasy novel full of dense, moral parables (Valley of the Black Mirror). Thank God not. Much better a 15 page comic book story by Milt Stein!

Milt Stein’s art is so bursting with life, so full of fresh air; its pleasures always seem newly discovered. His characters stretch, bounce, and move with surreal freedom; and his panels are as full of odd angles and perspectives as Caligari’s cabinet.

Two things about Supermouse: First, unlike nearly every other character in the funny animal universe, Supermouse doesn’t have an ungrateful, self-centered girlfriend whose love must be endlessly won (think Mickey, Donald, Porky, or even Mighty Mouse). Nope, Soupie has a steadfast wife, Mabel. She and Supie live in a pretty, little house in the country and are endlessly devoted to one another.

Second thing: When Supermouse gets angry, he really relishes his own fury - revels in his own might! I just love that.