Felix The Cat: The Great Comic Book Tails
Edited and Designed by Craig Yoe
With Introduction by Don Oriolo
Yoe Books! and IDW Publishing, 2010
Craig Yoe is on a rampage. His mission? To remind comic book lovers of a time when comics were a) pure fun, and b) intended for kids. So far this year Craig has edited classy hardback editions of the work of Milt Gross, Dan DeCarlo, and Dick Briefer; as well as the wonderful Golden Collection of Klassic Krazy Kool Kids Komics (to review or purchase any of the work mentioned in this post, please visit Craig's Amazon store). Indeed, in the often overlooked genre of kids' comics - Mr. Yoe has done yeoman work! (yuk yuk). Today we'll take a look at Craig's most recent addition to the Yoe Mission: Felix the Cat: The Great Comic Book Tails (Yoe Books! and IDW publishing). First, let's look at the strengths of the book that are immediately apparent right out of the wrapper:
- The book is beautifully designed, with gorgeous end papers and a very clever black and white cover (no jacket) matching Felix's own colors.
- The book isn't skimpy. At 224 pages, it's a nice chunk of great Felix comic book stories.
- Reproduction of the color comic book pages is absolutely superb.
- Finally, the book is extremely well bound (Smyth sewn binding) using archival-quality paper without being shiny or too hard (no publishing decision so mars comic book reproduction as does the choice of shiny, hard paper). Of all the recent flood of comic book and comic strip reprints, no publisher has made a better choice regarding paper stock than here. The pages in this book really have the look of a comic book - yet on thick, clean-white paper!

Please visit Craig Yoe at his web site: Super I.T.C.H (International Team of Comics Historians).