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STEVE CANYON in Four Color!

Milton Caniff's Steve Canyon was a trouble shooter/adventurer working for the United States Air Force. In this tale, he does battle with Communists in South America. Despite my best efforts, I can't identify the artist of this beautiful, painted cover. This post comes from Four Color No. 519, December 1953.

The interior, story art - according the Grand Comic Book Database (see sidebar) - is Caniff assistant, William Overgard, who ghosted Caniff's Steve Canyon strip in the early 1950's. Another Caniff Assistant, Ray Bailey, contributed the fine script (maybe). Any way you cut it, this is some prime, 1950s comic book work. The first page is the black & white inside cover, supplying us with a who's who; as well as putting on display Overguard's sweet line with a brush! Download THIS POST!

These last two pages are the inside back cover, and back cover! I love when Dell did this!