Let’s finish up 2009 with some work from two masters. First up is Jack Bradbury’s beautiful brushwork in a story featuring Spencer Spook. Bradbury’s panels always looked like brightly colored candy, good enough to eat. This is from Giggle Comics No. 46, October 1947. All scans are from my own comic.

Next let’s enjoy the wondrous work of Milt Stein in a Supermouse story. No one drew “Supie” like Stein. I love this story which has Supermouse providing us with a true superhero moment – proving himself as physically brave and powerful within his universe as Superman is in his. This is from Supermouse No. 7, May 1950. All scans are from my own comic. For a glimpse at the cover for this and previous story, click appropriate label at end of post.

This ad is from the same Supermouse issue. Have you ever noticed how many “get muscles today” ads ran in comics? What? Did advertisers think we comic lovers were all a bunch of skinny geeks? Did they have to rub it in?