Illustrator George Carlson was best known for his work on children's books. For Jingle Jangle Comics, he created two characters: The Pie-Face Prince and the Brass-Buttoned Baron. Their stories seem a superfine mix of Winsor McCay’s Little Nemo and Carroll’s, Alice; with more than a dash of Weine’s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. It is all very beautiful, yet sometimes the beauty shimmers like a fever dream. That is to say, Carlson possessed a stunning, slightly unsettling genius. This is from Jingle Jangle Comics No. 19, February 1946.

Here is some more of Carlson's vibrant brilliance. Every panel wants your attention yet urges you toward the next one.

Now for an ad from the same issue. This is simply old school, inspired page design. We will never know who the layout artist was for this. Just some pro earning a living. Beautiful, isn't it?