"All of the great titles in the CLASSICS Illustrated series will give you the most memorable reading treat of your lie. They're exciting, informative, thrilling, educational . . . EACH TITLE IS A COMPLETE, FAITHFUL ADAPTATION OF A GREAT CLASSIC."
--- Taken from an ad on back covers of Classics Illustrated comics

For many children, and many adults, the Classics Illustrated adaptations represented a first introduction to classic literature; as well as a portal into the world of contemporary reading, libraries, and the larger culture wherein these articles are contained. The comic series was the brainchild of publisher Albert Kantor. In his indispensable work, CLASSICS Illustrated: A Cultural History, With Illustrations, William B. Jones, Jr. has written that Kantor "deserves recognition as one of the great teachers of the 20th century."Interior art and cover for "From the Earth to the Moon" was done by Alex A. Blum, whose beautifully symmetrical pages will be familiar to any fan of CI. Blum was born in Hungary, and his clean, crisp outlines belay his background as an etcher.