In his many years at Harvey Comics, Warren Kremer drew every character the company offered, defined the house style, and did virtually every cover (including this one). Among a rich catalog of work, however, Stumbo the Giant - the gargantuan, gentle protector of Tinytown - is his masterpiece.

I can stare at Kremer’s pages of Stumbo until time begins to slip; the way birds fly around his knees, or the way he fans himself with an uprooted tree – giant hands alongside tiny, perfect people half a finger long. With Warren Kremer, every panel is like looking at the facets of a jewel.Fellow Harvey artist, Ernie Colón, had this to say about Kremer in a Comic Book Artist interview from June 2002: “The guy was like an architect. His drawings were so careful, so beautiful . . . The best example that I can give is when he was given the assignment for Stumbo the Giant; he just worked wonders with that strip. Such an astonishing achievement. Astonishing because here again you have an eight-panel page with a giant so big he’s using a mountain to relax on. . . . He (Kremer) is a complete master of comic book art."